Monday, May 26, 2008

Memorial Day

What a shocker! Robert was off on a holiday. They were closed today, so he was actually home. It was pretty amazing. That hasn't happened in more years than I can count. We have had a fun day so far. This morning Eric went bike riding. He and his Daddy worked some on the bike (got tires inflated well and adjusted the training wheels), and then he was off. He has finally gotten the hang of the pedals and no longer brakes frequently. He had a blast, but he got worn out pretty quickly. It is a very hot day here.

Here is a brief video of him riding. As you can see, he doesn't brake anymore. That was a pretty constant problem when he was first learning to ride it. He would push his foot back a lot, which caused a continual stop/go/stop/go.


Anonymous said...

So sweet! I love the videos you put on here! Eric is such a big boy now! :) Keep it up! I love you guys!

Anonymous said...

When I said "keep it up" I meant putting videos on here! Haha

Anonymous said...

Tracy we just watched your videos and Eric is really doing a good job riding his bike. Papa Joey said, "Great job on riding your bicycle and also on saying your memory verse!" :) We love you very much Eric. Mimi and Pap Joey