Monday, September 5, 2016


There's a boy.  A precious boy that we met shortly after moving to Arkansas.  His name is Tyler Binford.  He was around 9 years old and the son of some people we were becoming good friends with.  My first memory of him was he stood to get my chair for me when I approached the table.  What kid does that?  I could tell he was different.  I could tell he was special.  And I liked it.

We grew to love their family.  They were our very closest friends.  They were the first people we told when we found out we were going to have a baby.  Matt was like a big brother to Robert, and Ellen... I have no words for what Ellen means to me.  I love her dearly!   We watched their precious boys grow.  Caleb has a heart that is bigger than anyone I have ever known.  He loves deeply and unconditionally.  Tyler was easy to talk to.  Funny, mature, thoughtful.

I have never told anyone this, but Tyler is who I model the way I raise my son after.  I saw a boy who had a deep, mature understanding of the word.  A boy who wasn't afraid to lead at church and lead big!  A boy who was observant and cared about what was happening around him.  A boy who could have a conversation with adults and run off and play with kids.  Tyler was different.  Tyler was special.  Tyler loved the Lord.

Because of Tyler I knew that Eric could have a deep knowledge of God's word, and he does.  Because of Tyler, I knew that a young child could preach a meaningful sermon, and Eric has.  Because of Tyler I knew that a child could achieve much, love richly, and care for others.  Eric would not be the kid he is today without Tyler Binford.

Satan knew that Tyler was capable of great things for the Lord.  He attacked Tyler mercilessly.  He will always go after the ones who could do the most good.

 However, he failed to recognize how much Tyler had already done.

You see, I am just one person who knew Tyler, and Tyler had a profound influence on my life.  I can only imagine how many people he touched in his short lifetime.  God always knew the number of Tyler's days.  His passing was no surprise to our Lord.  And though his days were fewer than we would hope, he filled those days.  He used those days.  He lived those days.

He changed me.

People have always noticed that Eric is different.  People have always been impressed with his willingness to lead, his willingness to help, his thoughtfulness.  Now you know why.  It was because his parents were blessed enough to know Tyler Binford.  To watch him grow.  To love him.

We miss you, Tyler.  We hurt desperately for your family.  We were so glad to know you and love you.

Thank you for helping me be a better mom to my son.  Thank you for helping me prepare him for service in the kingdom.

I love you!

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