Thursday, January 12, 2017

My heart

This boy is my whole heart in one package.  I have told him that since he was born.

We went to an early dinner yesterday.  I was hoping that we could start eating before swim, but then we had to eat afterward too, so that didn't work out.  Neither of us ate much of our dinner, so leftovers for lunch today.  Yay!

We tried Pho in December in Huntsville, and I loved it!  LOVED it!  So, I have been wanting to have it again.  Eric and I decided to go have some after his spanish class yesterday.  We had a great time, and I told him that I hope when he is a grown up that we can get together once a month for lunch.

He laughed, an offended laugh, and said, "I was thinking at least once a week."

Man I love him!  I love that, for now, he adores and wants to spend time with me.  

For now. 

And I will cherish every minute.

I hope we can do lunch every week. 

I'd love that!

Even more than pho!

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