Friday, July 31, 2015

Another service project

On Sunday, the families of the 5th and 6th graders stuffed bags of school supplies for inner city children in Atlanta.  Between our church and homeschool groups, Eric has already done far more service projects than he needs for LTC next year.  E is always a great helper.  There was a younger sister of a child in his group that did not understand how to look at the sheet and figure out what was needed in her bag.  So, Eric became her partner and helped her with stuffing her bags.  He is so patient and caring when someone needs help.  Love that fella!

After they worked the kids played on a slip and slide.  That is Eric going onto the slide.  

I love that he has the correct diving form going here.  Although it isn't quite a deep pool fella.  I think it may have stung a little when he smacked into the slide.  But, his form was awesome!

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