Thursday, August 27, 2009

Winged Wonders

We went to the Winged Wonders program at the Zoo today. This was our second time to go and it was great! I am not a big fan of birds flying near my head, kind of freaks me out a little. And of course, who gets hit by a massive bird wing - oh that would be me. And 2 more birds came awfully close. I think they could sense my fear... Here are a couple of videos of the birds.

This is what Eric would look like if his eyes were the same proportion as an owl.

Of course they have a donation time worked in at the end of the show. Here is Eric giving the bird some money.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Very cool! I am glad that you could take advantage of the bird program at the zoo. Your zoo does a lot of neat things! love, Aunt Tabitha