Friday, April 3, 2009

Breakfast with the Easter Bunny

Saturday morning we went to the mall for Breakfast with the Easter Bunny. If you remember from last year, Eric was having nothing to do with that bunny. This year he was all about it. He was very excited to see him.

Chick-fil-a is so amazing and provides breakfast for all the kids. They also gave each child a Chick-Fil-A Cow. Here is Eric mooing with his cow.

They had door prizes, and Eric won a Tale of Despereaux lunch box (he loves lunch boxes, so this was the perfect prize for my little guy). And, If I haven't told you lately, that is a pretty great movie. He wanted a picture of both the front and the back of the box, so here he is posing with each side.

A few hours after this, Eric began to get quite sick. He is beginning to feel some better. Hopefully none of the rest of us catch anything.


uncle tim/robbys brother/tim said...

nice photos of eric/have a happy bithday this week eric and Robby

Aunt Trenna said...

Eric is such a cool kid, and you are such a cool mom! :) Love you guys! HAPPY BIRTHDAY ERIC!