Thursday, June 18, 2015

VBS round 1

We finished up our first VBS last night.  It was at our church and ran 4 nights - Sunday through Wednesday.  I am worn out.  Our church is a little drive from the house, so we add about two hours each time we go.  It made for some long nights.  But, the kids had a great time!  Eric chose to be a helper.  So he rotated with a group of boys that are a few years younger than he is.  I was in one of the rooms that they rotated into.

I was very proud of Eric and his desire to serve.  One teen and one other kid his age worked.  The rest of them had a class and then some very fun play time.  The teen was the co-teacher in my room, and he was amazing.

Here are a couple of pictures of Travis and me.  Travis has a twin sister named Tracy as well.  He did a great job!  

Eric also worked very hard all week, doing whatever was asked of him.  He is a such a great kid! 

At the end of the first night the game truck was still there.  This is what the teens and other kids his age had done for the last half of VBS that evening.  So Eric was able to get on and play for a while.  

Here's Eric with the crew leader, Mr. Kim, and a couple of the boys from his red group.  

The final night in our room.  Eric is in the front with his back to us. 

I loved Mr. Terry when I was a teenager.  He taught my choir class at Harding one summer.  I think it was Uplift.  It has been fun seeing him again.  He leads singing at our church once a month and comes back for special occasions, like VBS.  

We were studying Thailand, so the children removed their shoes before entering each classroom.  My feet were definitely tired of walking around barefoot inside.  

He was a super helper!  Love that kid!


Anonymous said...

Looks like you guys had super fun at VBS, I know it was a lot of hard work, but well worth the time and effort put in.

Tracy said...

Agreed. Eric always loves VBS. The songs and stations are always so fun.